So we made a mistake

Recently you may have received an email from Bidspeed about the SBA Teaming Pilot Program. The email contained inaccurate information. Please accept our apology for this error.

Just so you know, this was 100% human error. The interesting thing about this was the response. We had a large number of new signups (and a few confused people as well because of our small mistake). We had phone calls from people thanking us for letting them know, and we spoke to several people who had never heard of Bidspeed and were actually very grateful for our small error.

We also had a few (very few) people who were quite upset with us for sending them unsolicited email. We think we’ve smoothed this out but if not, we are happy to explain in detail. Just to be clear, we sent exactly one email message and we have made a full apology and explanation.

Our first error was that the email was intended for small companies in the Oklahoma and seven surrounding state region. If you are not in that region then we may need to connect you with one of the other grant awardees who are servicing your geographic area.

The second error was that your account had not been created for you and your password is not as it was specified in the email.

However, you may still sign up for Bidspeed and you will still receive the same extended trial period afforded to other grantees. To register your company for the extended Bidspeed trial click here:

Finally, Bidspeed is hosting a Webinar on Wednesday, March 28th, 2012 at 11:00 AM PDT. We encourage you to attend. To reserve your spot for the webinar click here:

This webinar will explain the pilot program, what you can expect from LSI, Bidspeed, and the SBA, and what you will need to do in order to take full advantage of the resources. Please try and attend. We will leave time for your questions during the webinar.

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