Forecast and Marketing to Government Agencies

Welcome to this quick tutorial on effectively managing your government business pipeline using Bidspeed. We’ll walk you through the essentials to streamline your process and boost your chances of success.

0:24 – Getting Started

– Log in to Bidspeed using your credentials.
– Check the SBA seven J training schedule for upcoming sessions.

1:49 – The Macro View: Your Company’s Pipeline

– Your pipeline is a visual representation of opportunities.
– It’s divided into stages, like “Preliminary Review,” “Critical Review,” and more.
– Each stage indicates an opportunity’s progress.

2:55 – The Micro View: Opportunity Level Management

– Within each opportunity, navigate to the “Pipeline Advisor” section.
– Add an advisor with gates and questions.
– Gates are stages, and questions help evaluate opportunities.

3:07 – Managing Gates and Questions

– Each gate has questions related to the opportunity’s progress.
– Answer questions honestly to gauge confidence in winning.
– Some questions are mandatory for advancing to the next stage.

5:00 – Value Estimation and Tagging

– Estimate the opportunity’s worth, considering potential value.
– Assign priority levels and estimated profit.
– These values contribute to your pipeline’s total estimated worth.

7:30 – Historical Pipeline and Outcome Tracking

– Historical opportunities track your wins and losses.
– Analyze your pipeline’s success over time.

8:00 – Workflow and Watchlist

– Decide whether to add opportunities to your watchlist or pipeline.
– Watchlist allows you to evaluate before moving to the pipeline.
– Customize your workflow based on your company’s needs.

You’ve learned the basics of pipeline management with Bidspeed. Remember to use both macro and micro views for a comprehensive understanding. Analyze and adjust your pipeline regularly to increase your success rate in government contracting. Happy Bidding!

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