What’s New – January


We’ve added simple tags support for opportunities on your watchlist and contacts. You can use tags to categorize items for easy filtering. To add a tag, just type the tags into the list and click save. You can add multiple words by separating the tags with a comma. It looks like this:

To search for a tagged item just type the tag name and press enter. You can match multiple tags by including the words “AND” and “OR.” For example, to find all items with the tag “dhs” and “business” type: “dhs AND business” (without the quotes) into the text box at the top of the page. To find items that have EITHER tag, use “dhs OR business.” (again, without the quotes).

Rich Text

You can now edit your notes on a deal and the description of any new opportunities using a simple rich text editor. To edit an opportunity that you’ve created, just click on the caption:


Bidspeed already had simple workflow related to due dates. Now, we’ve added an additional item to help you keep track of the date that questions on a particular solicitation is due. In order to set this date you simply need to edit the opportunity (click on the caption at the top of the opportunity detail page) and set a date. Bidspeed automatically reminds you before the date passes to make sure that you’ve asked any questions you need to ask:

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